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Medication Treatment for ADHD2






In deciding on the use of medication for your child, the following factors may be helpful to consider:

* What other interventions have already been tried?

Some children with ADHD can have their symptoms effectively managed via other means including appropriate behavioral and educational interventions. If you are concerned about using medication with your child, make sure that non-medical interventions have been tried first. This is an important issue to discuss with your child's physician.  It is important to be aware, however, that no form of treatment has been shown to be as effective as stimulant medication for the majority of children with ADHD.


* How much difficulty are my child's symptoms actually creating?

The degree of impairment in academic, social, and behavioral functioning caused by ADHD can vary substantially. If the impairment experienced by your child is on the modest side, medication can be less essential than when the impairment is great.

* What is my child's attitude towards taking medication?

It is very important to discuss the rational for using medication with the child. The child needs to know why it is being suggested and how it can be helpful. This is especially true for older children and adolescents, who may have concerns about being teased should their peers find out that they are taking medicine. If children have strong objections to taking medication, these should be discussed and understood. Should these objections persist, using medication may not be productive. 

* Will objective information about the effects of medication be provided?

In my opinion, this is critical. Despite the well documented benefits of stimulant medication, as many as 20-30% of children do not experience significant benefits. In addition, many parents are surprised to learn that when children with ADHD receive only a placebo (i.e. medication that appears to be the real thing but is not), teachers frequently report significant improvement in the child's behavior. This means that some children may receive stimulant medication for a sustained period even though they derive no objective benefit from it.


What causes this placebo effect? No one knows for sure, but when teachers are aware that a child has started medication, it is difficult for them to provide an objective, unbiased account of the child's behavior. Some children may also do better when they believe they are receiving medication that is supposed to help. This can make it difficult for parents and physicians to get objective information to use in making decisions about long term medication use. 

"So how do I know for sure that the medication I really helping my child?"

Despite the placebo effect noted above, there are many children for whom the response is so dramatic that it seems impossible to attribute the improvement to a simple placebo response. Studies have found, however, that sometimes the improvement reported when a child is eceiving placebo can also be quite dramatic. In addition, determining the optimum dose for a child in the absence of receiving objective feedback is also difficult.

Fortunately, it is not hard to conduct a careful trial that provides more objective information about a child's response to medication. This is accomplished by having the child receive different medications doses as well as a placebo over a 3-4 week period. For example, in a 4 week trial, the child receives a low, medium, and higher dose for one week each, and a placebo for one week. At the end of each week, the child's teacher completes ratings of the child's behavior and academic performance. Because neither the child nor the teacher know what the child was receiving each week during the trial, the teacher's ratings provide more objective information. By comparing the ratings made each week one can determine whether:

* medication was clearly superior to placebo;

* what dose produced the optimal response;

* whether any adverse side effects were observed (sometimes children report what appear to be side effects when they are only getting a placebo);

* what problems with behavior and academics may remain even if medication clearly helped, and which need to be targeted via other means.

This simple procedure provides more reliable and objective information that can be used to decide about the benefits of ongoing medication use. Unfortunately, many physicians do not use this relatively simple procedure and rely on anecdotal reports from teachers and parents to base medication decision on. 

"How often do most children need to take medication?"

Long acting stimulant medications like Concerta, Adderall XR and Vyanse typically work for 8-12 hours.  Therefore, children generally do not need to take more than one dose a day before school.  Depending on each child's individual response and situation, however, an additional dose - perhaps of a shorter acting stimulant - may also be prescribed by a child's physician to assist with homework and behavior in the evenings.

"Do children with ADHD need to take medication on weekends and over vacations?"

This depends. For children whose symptoms are relatively mild, medication during the school day may be all they require. Unfortunately, some children have more severe forms of the disorder and have difficulty behaving appropriately in a much wider variety of settings. For example, some children with ADHD may struggle in any type of peer activity without medication. Other children may be unable to complete their homework without the help of medication. Thesechildren may benefit from receiving medication outside of school hours. This is an important issue that needs to be discussed with your child's doctor.  

"For how long do children with ADHD need to take medication?"

The best answer to this question is that a child should take medication for only as long as it is helpful and necessary. For some children with ADHD, symptoms seem to dissipate as they get older to the point where continued use of medication is no longer necessary. Many other children will continue to struggle with ADHD symptoms into adolescence and young adulthood, however. These individuals may benefit from receiving medication during many years of their development. Because the need for stimulant medication may change over time, most experts recommend that this issue should be re-evaluated on an annual basis. In addition, the effectiveness of medication a child is receiving needs to carefully evaluated on a regular basis.  

"What other kinds of medication are used to treat children with ADHD?"

Straterra is a non-stimulant medication that has been approved by the FDA as a treatment for ADHD in children and adults.  This would be the most commonly prescribed non-stimulant medication.  Many physicians choose to begin treatment by trying one of the stimulants, however.



* Even though a child may benefit from stimulant medication, there can often be remaining academic and/or behavioral difficulties that need to be addressed by other forms of intervention.

For many children with ADHD, stimulant medication will be only one component of an overall treatment plan. 

* Most children do not experience any prolonged adverse side effects from taking stimulant medication.

This medication is believed to be safe for consistent use over many years, and no adverse long term side effects have been reported in the literature. It is very important, however, for parents to discuss their questions and concerns with their physician and pharmacist. 

* Because many children with ADHD may appear to improve when given only a placebo, it is important to use an objective procedure to determine medication effectiveness.

Anecdotal reports from teaches who know a child is receiving medication may be unreliable. 

* A child's response to medication can change over time.

Children's need for medication can also change. Re-evaluating these issues on a periodic basis is important. 







































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