The treatment of TS is complicated by the range of symptoms associated with this condition and the variability across individual symptom profiles. In relation to efficacy, studies clearly indicate that no pharmacological agent has yet been identified that will reliably ameliorate tics in all sufferers. Judgments of treatment efficacy are further complicated by the waxing and waning nature of tics. A trial and error approach is likely to be necessary in order to identify the most appropriate combinations of treatments for patients with a more complex array of symptoms, such as those exhibiting features of OCD or ADHD. In such complex cases, there are clear safety issues pertaining to drug interactions and contraindications, in addition to concerns related to the use of medication in children.
The majority of treatment options for tics are pharmacological. The most commonly prescribed drugs are primarily dopamine antagonists, such as neuroleptics (e.g. haloperidol), benzamides (e.g. sulpiride) or atypical antipsychotics (e.g. risperidone). Other agents that may be efficacious include drugs which modulate noradrenaline (e.g. clonidine), GABA (e.g. benzodiazepines) and acetylcholine (e.g. nicotine). Nonpharmacological interventions include behavioural approaches such as habit reversal training and exposure response prevention therapy. Surgical techniques involving deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the thalamus or globus pallidus may also be considered for severe, treatment refractory patients. Some of the more recent treatments that have been trialled include electroconvulsive therapy and repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation.
This review focuses primarily on the efficacy and safety of interventions designed to treat tics, although for some patients other behavioural symptoms may lead to considerable distress or functional impairment [Cavanna et al. 2008]. We identified relevant studies by searching Web of Knowledge and Health Information Resources (including CINAHL, EMBASE, MEDLINE, Health Business Elite and PSYCInfo) using the key terms ‘Tourette’, ‘tics’, ‘therapy’ and ‘treatment’, and focusing on the literature spanning the last decade (2000–2009). Other relevant articles were initially identified through consultation of the reference list of earlier reviews discussing similar subject matter [Bloch, 2008; Himle et al. 2006; Scahill et al. 2006; Robertson and Stern, 2000].
The majority of studies reviewed involve a wide array of pharmacological investigations. However, we also address the potential merits of behavioural and surgical options and highlight some more recent interventions. Thirty years of research have established a number of pharmacological agents as promising first-line treatments for TS despite methodological limitations. New, well-controlled studies are crucial in order to determine the most appropriate interventions for patients exhibiting specific constellations of behavioural symptoms.
Invasive techniques
Botulinum toxin injections
Botulinum toxin (botox) inhibits localized release of acetylcholine leading to reduced muscle activity. When used to treat tics, it is administered directly into the muscle group involved in the motor tic, or into the laryngeal muscles for vocal tics. Although some studies report a lack of efficacy [Chappell et al. 1997], many studies have noted improvement with the use of this treatment [e.g. Trimble et al. 1998]. These include cases involving patients with self-injurious symptoms [Aguirregomozacorta et al. 2008; Robertson et al. 1989]. Marras and colleagues reported that treatment with botox was associated with a 40% improvement in comparison with placebo [Marras et al. 2001].
In relation to vocal tics, botox has been shown to help coprolalia and accompanying premonitory sensations [Scott et al. 1996]. The efficacy of botox for phonic tics was also illustrated by a prospective, nonrandomized study carried out by Porta and colleagues which investigated the effectiveness of vocal cord injections of botox for phonic tics [Porta et al. 2008b]. Seventy patients (29 aged 10–16, 41 aged 19–55) were assessed 15 days after treatment and then a further four times over the next year following the injection of botox into the vocal cords. Assessment using the CGI indicated that phonic tics improved in 94% of patients, and that 41% appeared to be tic-free. Moreover, premonitory sensations were reduced and patients’ QoL improved. There were no serious side effects, although 84% of patients reported hypophonia.
Deep brain stimulation
Candidates for surgical treatment include patients exhibiting life-threatening self-injurious symptoms or severe tics that lead to significant functional impairment. Patients who fail to respond to many other forms of intervention may also be considered. The most common invasive technique for tics is DBS of the thalamus or globus pallidus. Activation of the implanted electrode leads to a localized paradoxical decrease in neural activity in the site of implantation. Although this form of treatment is still in its infancy, studies have provided encouraging evidence for the effectiveness of this technique in ameliorating tics.
Many studies have investigated the effectiveness of DBS of the medial thalamus for tics. Visser-Vanderwalle and colleagues reported the results of DBS of the medial thalamus in three patients with TS [Visser-Vanderwalle et al. 2003]. Treatment led to tic reductions of 90%, 72% and 83%. Another study of five patients [Maciunas et al. 2007] showed that DBS of the medial thalamus region led to a 40% decrease in motor tics and a 21% decrease in vocal tics. In a larger sample of 18 patients, Servello and colleagues reported evidence of good tic reduction at 3–17 months post treatment, although on a few occasions, surgery led to complications [Servello et al. 2008].
DBS of the globus pallidus has also been shown to improve tics. Shahed and colleagues reported an 84% reduction in tics following treatment, and no side effects [Shahed et al. 2007]. Houeto and colleagues compared DBS of the globus pallidus interna (GPi) and centromedial parafascicular nucleus of the thalamus [Houeto et al. 2005]. Tics improved by 70% after either treatment and reductions in coprolalia and self-injurious behaviour were also noted. The centromedian parafascicular nucleus of the thalamus and ventromedial GPi were targeted in three patients who participated in a controlled, double-blind, randomized, crossover study [Welter et al. 2008]. DBS of the GPi resulted in a dramatic improvement in tics according to YGTSS scores. Motor tics reduced by 65%, 96% and 74%. For the thalamus, there were reductions of 64%, 30% and 40% in tic severity. No advantage was apparent when both regions were targeted together. DBS also reduced self-injurious behaviour and impulsiveness.
Not all studies report complete success. One case of DBS of the posteroventral GPi [Foltynie et al. 2009] involved a patient who initially scored 81/100 on the YGTSS. After treatment, at 3- and 6-month follow up there was almost complete resolution of motor and vocal tics at rest, but recurrence of vocal tics on speaking. An important finding was that the patient felt that surgery had not improved his QoL overall, although he did prefer the stimulator to be switched on. Burdick and colleagues reported one case of nucleus accumbens/capsular DBS that was not successful [Burdick et al. 2009]; although another study showed DBS of similar sites may lead to a 40–50% reduction in tics, without side effects [Kuhn et al. 2007]. The side effects that have been reported after DBS of the thalamus include drowsiness and changes in sexual behaviour [Visser-Vanderwalle et al. 2003], reduced energy [Servello et al. 2008], psychosis and spontaneous tic recurrence [Maciunas et al. 2007].
迄今已有许多研究调查了关于内侧丘脑的深部脑刺激对抽动症治疗的可行性与有效性。 Visser-Vanderwalle及其同事通过研究3例抽动症患者的内侧丘脑DBS结果,发现经过此种治疗后,患者的抽搐行为发作分别减少了90%,72%和83%。另一项对五名抽动症患者的研究显示,丘脑内侧区域DBS可导致运动性抽动症减少40%,发生性抽动症减少21%。Servello及其同事开展了一项包括18位患者在内的更大样本实验,实验结果证明在接受手术治疗3-17个月后,18位抽动症患者的相关病情明显减轻,尽管在极少数情况下,该项手术会导致并发症的出现,但此几率相较于明显的治疗效果几乎可忽略不计。