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The influence of specific diets and nutrition on tics Caffeine Diet and Nutrition in TS





Previous research has shown that CNS stimulants such as methylphenidate or cocaine precipitate or worsen tics , although more recent research has failed to establish a direct link between the use of psychostimulants and an increase in the causation of tics. Another CNS stimulant, caffeine, hasalsobeen suggested to influencethe expression of tics in TS. Caffeine is a competitive antagonist at adenosine receptors, and has been shown to enhance the effects of dopamine agonists. The dopaminergic system may therefore modulate or facilitate the expression of tics, as demonstrated by dopamine mimetic receptor blockers (such as haloperidol), which has been shown to have a suppressant action on tics . Furthermore, tics may worsen due to the further stimulation of an already overactive dopaminergic system by caffeinated products,Schaefer, Chow, Louis andRobakis recently found,when conducting a retrospective chart review of outpatients over age 21, that one third of the patients with TS identified re-emergence of tics followingthe intake of alcohol and caffeine. 

The case of two cousins with tic-related symptoms who,over a 3-year period of being observed and having tics recorded, were also reported to display caffeine-precipitated tics. 

Refined sugars

Refined sugar is a processed food and is commonly found as a combination of glucose and fructose, known as sucrose. It is often used by food manufacturers to sweeten food, but has been shown to cause a rapid rise in blood sugar that could increase an individual’s risk of mood swings, diabetes, cancer and obesity.Refined sugar may also exacerbate some psychological disorders. For example, refined sugar has been found to cause more behavioural problems in ADHD, and TS respondents have reported a worsening of their tics after the consumption of refined white sugar. Researchers proposed that, in the case of individuals with ADHD, the increase of dopamine (caused by sugar intake)might lead to a reduction in the number of D2 receptors and/or a decrease in extracellular dopamine itself. This couldpotentially lead to desensitization of the dopamine-signalling axis, meaning it is possible that children with ADHD may then ingest more sugar in an effort to correct the dopamine-deficient state. Therefore,children with TS, a population also identified as having dysfunction of the dopamine system, may also show a tendency to consume high sugar foods, which may in turn exacerbate tics.

Magnesium deficiency

Magnesium is a mineral that has a crucial role in how the body regulates and functions, and it is also essential to the biochemical systems that contribute to the body’s health maintenance. The classic symptoms of mineral deficiency canoften be linked to their physiological role of controlling healthy levels of calcium and potassium in the body. A deficit in Magnesium can result in seizures, anxiety, muscle spasms and tics, migraine headaches, depression and chronic fatigue. All of these symptoms are frequently observed in a range of neuropsychiatric conditions (such as TS). However,the potential contribution of magnesium deficiency is currently unclear.Diet and Nutrition in TS Grimaldi (2002) reported that children with TS have a magnesium deficiency, which has been attributed to neuromuscular hyperexcitability, as well as a rise in convulsions, choreaand athetoid movements. Furthermore, a magnesium deficiency has been related to an increased release of dopamine, more defensive behaviour and greater modulation of serotonin receptors. It can also lead to other symptoms, including migraine, which is found to be more frequent among patients with TS. In other psychological disorders (such asASD), oral supplementation of magnesium and vitamin B havebeen shown to significantly improvetheability to interact in social situations, and to increase communication and intellectual abilities. 

Research is needed to investigate the potential of using magnesium and vitamin B6 as a method of treatment in TS, for the reduction of symptoms. If successful, this could help reduce tics and the need for pharmacological interventions (including neurolepticdrugs).Importantly, magnesium and B6 can both be administered via food intake and areassociated with few side effects(Garcia-Lopez, et al., 2009). 

Iron deficiency

 Iron is critical for producing haemoglobin, a protein that helps red blood cells deliver oxygen throughout the body.An iron deficiency is one of the most commonly Diet and Nutrition in TS reported nutritional deficiencies found in the general public;it results in a lack of oxygen getting to tissues and organs,which can lead to anaemia.Iron deficiency, with or without anaemia, can also impair emotions and cognition, and in other psychological disorders, has been associated with developmental delay in infants, mood changes and lack of concentration in children.Low ferritin and serum iron levels have frequently been found in both children and adults with TS.  It has been suggested that low levels of iron may contribute to hypoplasia of the caudate putamen, increasing the risk for both development and severity of tics. In addition, the inability to control tics may be a result of smaller cortical volumes, also linked to low levels of iron.Therefore, given the biological links showing low levels of iron may be symptomatic of children with tics ,the relationship between iron supplements and symptoms of TS may be warranted.

Glutenin tolerance

Anecdotal reports have suggested that children with TS have abnormal reactions to gluten, and the chemical manipulation of this protein hasbeen suggested toresult in a substance that exacerbates tics. It can also contribute to difficulties in the breakdown of a protein found in dairy products, called case in Celiac disease, a common digestive condition caused by an abnormal immune reaction to gluten, is more likely to occur in association with other psychological disorders such asADHD, Autism,Learning and tic disorders.Despite a family history for celiac disease, she failed to show symptoms of the disease herself, but instead met the criteria for Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity. After 1-week of being placed on a gluten-free diet (GFD) her tics were reported to diminish, and within a few months the tics appeared to completely disappear.However, to date, no empirical studies have directly addressed the use of a gluten diet inindividuals with TS.

















有实例表明,抽动症儿童对谷蛋白具有不耐受反应,进而会导致抽搐症状的加重。这种谷蛋白也会导致饮食中的蛋白质很难分解,这种情况我们称之为乳糜泻,这是一种由谷蛋白过敏引起的自身免疫系统疾病, 这种疾病会导致神经性障碍,比如多动症、自闭症、学习障碍症和抽动症等。


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